Skills Bank helps security firm stand out from the crowd
Oliver Law Security (OLS) Ltd are now “standing out from the crowd” after three of their engineers went through the Sheffield City Region’s Skills Bank programme.
OLS Ltd, who provide high-quality professional security services to businesses, applied to the South Yorkshire’s Skills Bank programme and secured BTEC level 3 certificates for their engineers in IT and networking for security, and access control installation.
Claire Law, Commercial Director of OLS, based in Doncaster, said: “Qualifications in security are few and far between and so by achieving a level of training, we are showing our customers that we have a very high level of expertise.
“Training and qualifications in security systems and controls are costly, so to have the funding support, on top of the bespoke support around finding and accessing the training itself, from Skills Bank was brilliant.
“By upskilling our engineers, it shows that we are eager to progress our staff and not sit still. Before Skills Bank we had brought people in-house to provide training or apply for free training. But they didn’t provide either the right level of skills or the level of tailor-made training we were after,
“The engineers who completed the programme are rightly proud that they’ve come through the training and now possess the skills and qualifications to progress within the company.

“Training and upskilling are a key part of our five-year growth plan which we implemented last year. The support from Skills Bank meant we surpassed our annual targets comfortably.
“Investing in our staff is key to business growth at OLS. Personal development of staff has always been at the forefront of our business values.
“Skills Bank has helped us to achieve a greater wealth of knowledge and expertise to pass onto our customers and projecting confidence within our business sector.
“The level of support we got from the team, and in particular Anne Wilson, our Skills Advisor, was fantastic. She was able to help every step of the way; came in to visit, helped arrange us meeting Calderdale College and training providers, and really helped the whole process run smoothly.
“We are still in contact with Anne and the team and are really interested in looking at more opportunities for training, upskills and events.”